Would you like to donate to the ministry of Lighthouse of Hope Christian Fellowship?

Here are several ways you can donate, if you are unable to attend the services on Sundays.

  1. Pay with your credit card using PayPal (no PayPal account is needed)
  2. Pay with your PayPal account using your credit card or direct withdrawal from your bank account (this must be setup in advance) -- this is needed if you wish to setup to make monthly automatic payments.
  3. Pay with Interac eTransfer (in Canada) through your bank's online web site.

paypal logo previewInterac e Transfer logo

These instructions are for Canadian payments using Interac eTransfer from Canadian banks. US donors should pay with their credit card (all payments are in Canadian dollars):

  1. Log into your Canadian bank's online web site to your bank account
  2. Click on transfers (or etransfers) on your website
  3. Setup a payee - Lighthouse of Hope Christian Fellowship using our email address    i n f o @ l h o h c f . c a
  4. Then you can make an eTransfer.


Lighthouse of Hope Christian Fellowship

28-848 Hockley Ave
Langford, BC
V9B 2V6

Email: info@lhohcf.ca